Happy Valentine's Day: Redefined ! Celebrating Loving Self and Others


Let's broaden the Valentine's Day concept to loving ourselves and others, no matter the nature of our relationships. Also, let's recognize it as a way to celebrate loving ourselves and others all year long.

It is essential to remember that giving and receiving healthy love starts with loving ourselves.  Here are some healthy-self love guidelines.

Healthy Self-Love
Knowing oneself
Positive Self-Worth / Priority
Valuing oneself and needs
Self-Respect /Integrity
Having consistent standards
and Healthy boundaries
Self-Acceptance /Authenticity
Embracing and being oneself
Feeling Capable
Recognizing talents & skills
Feeling Accomplished
Sense of competence
Feeling Secure
Trusting oneself
Feeling Empowered
Being in control of self and decisions
Being Responsible for Self
Good self-care


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