Moving Beyond 2020 Into 2021

 2020 in the Rear View Mirror

Moving Ahead Into 2021

As we bid farewell to year 2020, we recall the hope and possibilities we anticipated upon its dawn on January 1, 2020.  Unfortunately, that optimism was quickly dashed during the first quarter of 2020.  

How do we process the COVID-19 pandemic, the racial reckoning and the economic crises that have rocked us to the core?  Let us take time to reflect and prepare ourselves as we eagerly usher in the New Year, 2021. 

This reflection will be processed and presented through my "Triple A" format: Acknowledge, Assess and Address, as follows: 

As we anxiously bid farewell to 2020 and eagerly welcome 2021, let us:

Acknowledge: (Recognize the reality)

The Negatives:

That the COVID-19 pandemic disrupted all of our lives

That there is still significant systemic racism, racially motivated violence and racial discrimination, especially toward Black persons

That the loss of jobs and income due to the pandemic is sending many into poverty

That the emotional trauma (shock, sadness, anger, fear, isolation, etc.) experienced due to all the 2020 crises is real and natural 

The Positives

That God is in control


Assess: (Take into account)

The Negatives:

The ways in which we have been impacted (our work; our health; our interactions, etc.)

The level of grief and pain we are experiencing due to pandemic related losses (deaths of loved ones;  health impairment; job loss, etc.) 

The changes and adjustments we have made due to these crises

The Positives: 

That we are still here; Recognize your resilience, strength and determination that has enabled you to survive 

The extent of financial insecurity that many Americans have been experiencing and now, are about to face at a catastrophic level

The increased awareness and concern about the need to address systemic racial discrimination and racially motivated violence


Address: (Take action; Get empowered) 

Exercise our faith and seek God's direction

Nurture our spirituality; Find meaning to what's happening; Gain inspiration and learn whatever lessons these experience is teaching us

Recognize ways we have successfully managed and adapted to these challenging circumstances.

Express gratitude for what we still have, even in the face of these crises.

Connect with others and nurture our relationships; Let's become socially close, while physically distant.  It is important to our well being.

Get creative and innovative to find new ways to socialize, entertain, celebrate and enjoy ourselves.

Give help; Reach out for help.  It is there. 

Become compassionate and patient with ourselves and toward others. Demonstrate grace.

Welcome to 2021!











  1. Dear FB Friends and Family,
    Let us bid farewell to 2020 and look forward to a brighter 2021. Here is my reflection as we move ahead with 2020 in our rear view mirror. Hopefully, a clearer and smoother path awaits us. Enjoy. May you all enjoy a Blessed and Happy New Year!!!

  2. Awesome...We collectively need a word for 2021 and thos one was a one time WORD for the people sake!!!! Thanks wonderful cousin Dr Kern.


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