Overcoming Pandemic Job Loss:

You Can Recover From Pandemic Related Employment Loss


Losing employment due to the pandemic is not your fault and not a negative reflection about you or your skills

  • What are your emotional reactions to this pandemic related loss?
  • To degree are any negative emotions interfering with your ability to move ahead with finding new employment?
  • What kind of work do you want and are willing to do, in light of your interests, skills, and experience level, taking into account what the current job market has to offer?
  • Your total self, in terms of your career related interests and needs in order to get your right fit employment.  This entails you considering the Spiritual, Physical, Intellectual, Emotional and Social dimensions of yourself.  In other words, your "S.P.I.E.S." can guide and enable you to accomplish this.
  • Use this time and opportunity to improve your employability
    • learn new skills development
    • obtain work related certifications
    • engage in  a broad employment search: think "out of the box"
    • update resume: highlight your strengths and accomplishments
    • practice interview skills;
    • network, both formally and informally 
 Right Now, Relevant Resource: 40 Plus of Greater Washington
Web Links for Discounted and Free Career Support Services

Stay Tuned and Follow Dr. Diane Kern for the Upcoming S.P.I.E.S. E-Book and Guide for Recovering  Pandemic Employment!

Brought To You By Happy and Healthy U


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