Let's Use "20/20 Vision" in the Year 2020

Do You Have "20/20 Vision" for the Year 2020?

HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! Welcome to 2020, a new year and the beginning of a new decade.
Many of us found ourselves reflecting on 2019 as the end of that year occurred and the year, 2020 approached.  Hopefully, we are utilizing clear, accurate and empowering "20/20" vision.

According to the American Academy of Ophthalmology, "20/20 Vision" is not perfect vision, it is average or normal vision.  It is the standard for determining whether a person needs corrective lenses or further intervention to enable one to see clearly.  Our level of visual acuity (sharpness and clarity) is typically measured via an eye chart, based upon our ability to see from a distance of 20 feet.

"20/20 Vision" as a metaphor for our mental approach to this new year, can help us see whether we are engaging in thinking that empowers us or hinders us.  The good news is that we can change our mental lens or thinking in ways that facilitate positive feelings and mobilizing behaviors.

Some of us are struggling with a negative mindset, such as vision that is clouded by the past. Such a negative view or mindset is often plagued by inaccurate assessments, self-punitive / self-critical, pessimistic, fear based, and angry attitudes.  The resulting distressing emotions of  excessive stress, depression and anxiety significantly interfere with our functioning. We are unable to clearly see where we are right now; let alone, where we wish to go.

In contrast, when we choose a positive lens or positive mindset, our vision and view becomes clear and sharp. While not perfect, it allows us to accurately evaluate ourselves, others and our situations.  It empowers us by enabling us to see new possibilities, feel good, feel motivated and feel confident. Such clear vision promotes movement and growth in our desired directions.

So, let's rid ourselves of the inaccurate, negative thinking that holds us back and distresses us. Instead, let's replace it with a "20/20 vision" mindset that enables us to see ourselves, others and our situations clearly and in the most positive way. As a result, we will experience positive emotions and feel good; more effectively manage stress; bounce back and become more resilient in the face of challenges and setbacks; and feel motivated and self-confident as we strive toward our goals.

May you enjoy a Happy and Healthy New Year!!!


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