An Attitude of Gratitude is Good For Your Health

Tis the Season to be Grateful
An Attitude of Gratitude is Good for Your Health

This is what the psychology research shows.  Being grateful and focusing on the good things in our lives enable us to feel good and in control, even in the midst of challenging situations.  We do not have to deny the pain or difficulties that are occurring. However, when we regularly stop and reflect or meditate on those things that we appreciate; the positive things our lives; the things that are going well, we realize that not all is lost and that we can go on. 

Being grateful also reduces stress and builds resilience, our ability to bounce back.  At a physiological level it promotes the increase in endorphins, our brain chemicals that enable us to feel good. Studies also show that positivity reduces physiological stress and promotes better health.

Practicing gratitude is especially important during the holiday season, which for many can be stressful.  For some of us, the holidays are particularly difficult, sad and even painful, due to recent losses (i.e. death of a loved one, a divorce, job termination, health challenges, etc.). Those, who battle depression are also more likely to struggle during the holidays. 

Below are some simple strategies for developing an attitude of gratitude and feeling better.

Ways to Cultivate Gratitude

·         Record or journal 3 – 5 positive things that happen each day.

·         Write and give a thank you note to someone for something you appreciate.

·         Meditate (quietly reflect and focus) each morning on the things, for which you are grateful (i.e. sunny day, waking up, shelter etc.).

·         Verbally express your appreciation to someone you know on a daily basis.

·         Say a prayer of gratitude

·         Appreciate the positive people in your life by being engaged and connected through supportive and pleasant interactions.

·         Last, but not least, recognize and appreciate your life and your value.  Take good care of yourself by getting good nutrition, sufficient rest, exercise and health care as needed.


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