Do Work You Enjoy and Enjoy the Work You Do

Re-Invent Yourself Professionally and Take Charge of Your Career Life

Presented by Dr. Diane Kern, Ph.D., Creator of
Happy and Healthy U Mental Wellness Program
"Learn to Love Life and Live Well"

                   A Self-Assessment, Aimed at Defining Career Direction and Needs
I.     How To:
Determine and Nurture Your Passion
Ask yourself:  What activities do I enjoy?  What would I love to do? What activities make me feel happy, energized, successful, engaged and with a sense of   importance and purpose?  What have I dreamed of or have always wanted to do? What have I thought about exploring on more than one occasion?

What this reflection reveals about what I would love to do:


Identify and Nurture Your Strengths, Abilities and Talents
Ask yourself:  What am I good at doing?  What things come easy for me?  What are the skills for which I often get praise, compliments and positive attention? What do my achievements and accomplishments reflect about my skills and talents?

What this reflection reveals about my strengths and areas of expertise:


Recognize What Environment and Conditions You Need to Function Well Within and Feel Good About Work:
Ask yourself: Under what physical conditions do I enjoy working? What workplace interpersonal environment contributes to my enjoyment of work (i.e. warm, collegial, team oriented atmosphere vs. distant, and more reserved atmosphere; What kinds of workplace interpersonal interactions enable me to do my best at work (i.e. with managers, with co-workers, with customers, etc.)? 

What this reflection reveals about the physical conditions that I need and desire in my work:


What this reflection reveals about the interpersonal factors and conditions I need and want at work:


 II.        Distinguish Between A New Career Calling and A Hobby or Avocation
Ask yourself: Is this something I wish to do only for my own personal enjoyment? Is this something that I desire to make a primary source of my income? Am I comfortable meeting the demands and expectations of others that may accompany doing something I love to do as an occupation?

III.      Overcome Fear and Take Reasonable Risks to Pursue Your Passion
Ask yourself:  What is holding me back or interfering with my pursuit of my work related passion?  What is the negative self-talk that is fueling my fears to move ahead? In another year, do I want to feel as though I got stuck or let myself down, by not pursuing my dream?

IV.      Clarify and Move Toward Your Goals Related To A New Career Calling or Path

  •   Utilize healthy goal setting strategies, to set realistic and achievable goals

o   S.M.A.R.T. goal setting model: Specific, Measurable, Actionable, Realistic, Time limited

  •   Change what you can that is currently posing obstacles to your desired career path

  •   Surround yourself with positive and supportive people, who will uplift you

  •   Network:  Obtain a mentor: Attend professional events, related to your interests; Join and get involved with professional or industry related organizations and groups

  •  Take advantage of external resources, such as: public libraries (books, workshops, etc.); programs offered through local government (i.e. DC Department of Employment Services); training and further education (i.e. community college; in-service or continuing education; college or graduate school, job training programs, etc.)


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