Practicing Positivity in 2019

Being Happy and Healthy in 2019
Practicing Positivity by Being Optimistic

Winston Churchill was quoted with the following statement: "Pessimists see the difficulty in every opportunity; optimists see the opportunity in every difficulty".  The science surrounding Positive Psychology has provided research based evidence that persons, who tend to be optimistic or focus on thinking in positive ways enjoy both physiological and emotional benefits.  Being happy bodes for a longer and healthier life.

It is important to note that a sense of happiness is not a brief state of elation or a sporadic burst of positive emotions. It is best defined as a sense of satisfaction, fulfillment and social connection.

We can enhance and sustain our happiness by practicing the following:

  • Being grateful and thoughtfully acknowledging those things we appreciate in our lives
  • Being curious and taking reasonable risks to expand ourselves, grow and have new experiences
  • Seeing ourselves as capable of overcoming hardship
  • Engaging in activities that help us feel good, calm, at peace
  • Exercising the ability to celebrate the successes of others close to us
  • Having persons in your life, you can call upon to sympathize and / or celebrate with you
  • Acknowledging troubling emotions, while not getting stuck in them
  •  Instead addressing the issues associated with unpleasant emotions and using them as motivators to positive change
  • Reflecting upon and recognizing our accomplishments and embracing feelings of success
  • Having a sense of meaning and purpose in one's life


  1. Dr. Diane Kern these points are true nav points to use and make the 2019 habits for success. With positivity energy flows for engaging in activities, gratitude, sharing, caring for self and others. Hardships are not the speed bump rather inspiration and fire to overcome and keep going with renewed enthusiasm.


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