
Taking good care of ourselves is our responsibility and our right. This includes our emotional well-being and ability to feel good and effectively manage our emotions. We surrender our power by allowing others to control, mistreat, manipulate or take advantage of us.  Therefore, it is important to value our well-being and exercise our ability to treat ourselves well.

When we nurture ourselves, make ourselves a priority and enable ourselves to enjoy life, it energizes us and promotes our happiness.  This process creates a reservoir of abundance, from which we can give to others with a healthy spirit of generosity that does not leave us depleted.  Treating ourselves well also sends a positive message to others and sets a healthy standard and expectation about the treatment we will accept from others.

Here are ways to treat yourself well:
  • Nurture your spirituality and your sense of purpose, mission and calling
  • Celebrate yourself and appreciate being alive
  • Focus on whatever blessings and good things you have
  • Recognize and appreciate your skills, strengths and talents
  • Give yourself permission to feel good about your abilities and accomplishments
  • Connect with others and surround yourself with positive people
  • Nurture the close relationships in your life
  • Develop your potential and openness to learning something new
  • Do those things that bring you comfort, peace and satisfaction in a healthy way
  • Forgive yourself for past mistakes; learn the lessons and strive to do better going forth
  • Adopt an attitude of self-compassion, accepting that you are  not perfect
  • Remind yourself about your past victories and achievements to build self-confidence
  • Have fun, laugh and enjoy life


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