Turn Off and Tune In:  How to Get In Touch With Yourself

Many of us struggle with balancing the demands in our lives.  A particular challenge is that of work / life balance. Our high tech age often leads us to constantly feel "on" and to feel the pressure of having to respond immediately.  Due to the ease of electronic communications, we can easily experience overload and therefore the ravages of stress. 

 Americans are generally hard workers and work a great deal. We tend to glorify multi-tasking and often take pride in feeling as though we are successfully handling several things at a time.  This sometimes leads to overloading ourselves, which results in experiencing undue stress and feeling overwhelmed.  When this happens, we pay a cost with our mental and physical well being. The impact of excessive and negative stress on our physical health is well known.  To name a few, stress leads to muscle tension, increased blood pressure, decreased immune functioning and ability to fight disease and fatigue.  Emotional costs of stress include irritability, anger, depression and anxiety.  Studies emanating from neuroscience demonstrate the benefits of relaxing on our brains.  Our brains function most efficiently when we are in a relaxed state.  In light of this knowledge, it behooves us to exercise our power and choose to engage in ways to achieve balance in our lives.

Below are ways for us to achieve healthier balance that can promote our well being and happiness.

Stop, Turn Off Your Electronic Device and Take Time Out to:
  • Personally Reflect on Ways to Balance your Life by Addressing and Monitoring Areas of::
          Personal Development and Growth
  • Be Still and Get Quiet (Mindfulness)
  • Journal About Thoughts and Feelings
  • Have Fun by Engaging in Enjoyable Activities (i.e. hobby, creative expression, etc.)
  • Nurture Your Senses (touch, smell, hearing, vision and taste)
  • Laugh


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