
Showing posts from January, 2021

Reducing Pandemic Related Social Isolation and Increasing Well Being

  The Importance of:   Who You Know and Who Knows You  to Reducing Isolation During the Pandemic by Diane Kern, Ph.D. of Happy and Healthy U, LLC  Acknowledge: Interpersonal connection is essential to our well-being. The social isolation that many are feeling because of the pandemic related social distancing and physical restrictions is causing significant emotional distress.    It is natural to feel down due to prolonged periods of  not seeing others not being in close proximity to others not being touched by others   Assess: Determine how not being in physical contact with others has impacted your mood. Determine how social isolation has affected the well being of your loved ones, especially the elderly. Are they (or you) demonstrating signs of depression?  Is their (or your) mental and physical functioning declining? Have they (or you) lost the will to live? Address: Reach out and connect with others; Make phone calls; Do virtual visi...