Displaying and Demonstrating Our TAGs (Talents, Abilities and Gifts)
What TAG are You Wearing? What Does Your TAG Reflect About You? A TAG is typically thought of as a label, which identifies, describes or provides information about the object, to which it is attached. The term, "TAG", as it applies to a person's career life, specifically refers to one's talents, abilities and gifts. Talents: One’s natural or intrinsic strengths; those things that come easy to a person. Typically, talents become apparent when persons are encouraged to express them and provided with the opportunity to develop them. Example: A parent might notice that their young child is especially good at drawing and reinforces the expression of that talent with positive praise and feedback. What are your talents? Reflect on your talents by assessing your accomplishments and successes Recognize what it is that you find particularly of interest and easy to do Explore your talents by exposing yourself to different experiences...