Effectively Using Your Personal GPS (Guiding Principles System)
Welcome to 2012! At the beginning of a New Year, it is a common practice to consider one's goals and aspirations, which often get translated into resolutions. Too often, we have the disappointing experience of falling short of accomplishing these resolutions. Many times, we begin pursuing our goals with energy and enthusiasm, only to end us running out of steam or getting derailed. Perhaps the problem is not having a strong foundation for what we truly want; are willing to commit to; and for which we are able to persevere. Nurturing our spirituality by listening to our inner voice allows our "GPS" or Guiding Principles System to provide us with clarity, insight and direction. This process can activate stronger motivation and commitment. When we honor our personal "GPS", a sense of peace and contentment with our decisions and actions can be experienced that derives from that deeper spiritual place, where we feel centered and grounded. Suc...